HomeHair Laser Removal

dimanche 1 décembre 2013

Should you shave your vagina?

NO! You should NEVER shave your vagina. First off, there has never been a woman who has ever had hair in her vagina, so there would never be any reason to shave it. Second it is internal, so if one were stupid enough to try to shave it she would have to put the razor inside her body and would probably cut herself quite badly. Please learn the parts of your body and where hair does and does not grow so you don't continue to look so ignorant.

The vagina is an internal structure, no hair there. You are referring to the vulva. It is NOT necessary to shave this hair, you can develop infected and ingrown hairs not to mention itching when it starts to regrow which happens rather quickly. If you are sexually active this is not as advised at those tiny cuts you get from shaving can be a great way to let STD's in.

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