HomeHair Laser Removal

jeudi 8 août 2013

How to Fix Bushy Eyebrows (for Girls)


  1. 1
    Look into the mirror, and think about how your eyebrows look now. Take a photo, and compare online to celebrities or models with eyebrows you really like, and see if they would suit your face. Your eyebrows may not be that bad and just in need for a tidy.

  2. 2
    For those who has never gotten their eyebrows done professionally and are thinking of styling it themselves, stop! Put the tweezers down and walk away from them. Why risk destroying your eyebrows if you could go to the local salon and get them done professionally? There are people out there who shape and clean eyebrows for a living. If you're a first timer, get your eyebrows done by a professional.

  3. 3
    Always consult with mom and dad. If you feel like cleaner eyebrows will help you feel better, make sure that your parents understand. Speak calmly and let them know that it would really make you feel better if they support you. It wouldn't hurt to remind them that being a teenager is tough and that a little confidence and self-esteem will go a long way.

  4. 4
    Do research. Are you going to get it plucked? Wax? Threaded? Where are you getting it done? Are you allergic to wax? Prices? These are important questions that need to be answered. Make sure to consult a salon and get your questions answered.

  5. 5
    Buy an eyebrow brush, it'll help you shape your eyebrows. Just comb your eyebrow hairs up and snip off any hairs that are too long. Repeat, combing your hair downwards. It is also helpful to keep your eyebrows tidy.

  6. 6
    If you have to go DIY, only pluck strays and any monobrow hairs. Never pluck into your eyebrow by yourself. It's easy to overpluck but can take up to 3 months for your hairs to grow back

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